Practical Law Coexistence Agreement

If you`re a business owner, you know the importance of protecting your brand and intellectual property rights. One way to do this is through a coexistence agreement.

A coexistence agreement is a legal contract between two parties that allows them to coexist and use similar or identical trademarks or trade names without infringing on each other’s rights. This agreement is beneficial for both parties, as it avoids the costly and time-consuming legal disputes that can arise when two parties use the same or similar marks.

Practical Law, a legal research platform, offers a comprehensive and practical guide on coexistence agreements. The guide covers the essential elements of a coexistence agreement, including the scope of the agreement, duration, use of trademarks, and termination.

One critical element of a coexistence agreement is defining the scope of the agreement. This includes identifying the marks that are subject to the agreement, the products or services that the marks relate to, and the geographical scope of the agreement. For example, if two companies operate in different regions or countries, they can agree to coexist without infringing each other’s rights.

The duration of the coexistence agreement is another important aspect. Typically, coexistence agreements have a fixed term of years, and both parties can renew the agreement if they choose to do so.

The use of trademarks is also a key component of a coexistence agreement. The agreement should specify how both parties can use their respective marks, including any limitations or conditions. For instance, one party may agree to modify or limit their mark’s use in a particular context, such as in a particular industry or category of goods.

Finally, a practical law coexistence agreement should outline the circumstances under which the agreement can be terminated. This includes events such as a breach of the agreement, changes in ownership or control of either party, or a change in the use of the marks.

In conclusion, coexistence agreements can be an effective means of managing trademark disputes between two parties. Practical Law`s guide provides a comprehensive resource for businesses seeking to create a coexistence agreement that will protect their intellectual property and avoid costly legal disputes. By taking the time to establish a well-written coexistence agreement, businesses can focus on growing their brand without worrying about unwanted legal conflicts.